Role Reversal

Despite of all the turmoil of these current times,
One thing is becoming increasingly clear (at least for
the readers of this site): The shades of gray are gradually fading and the sides about to wage the coming war are getting clearer.

Traditionally, what we know as ‘The Left’ has always
questioned authority. Today, it’s doing the exact opposite
because it has become the authority. Through its oligarchs, the Left is the new (faux) aristocracy and therefore, is the New ‘Right’. The traditional Right being wiped out over the course of the last 250 years is now pockets of puny but determined resistance. We are the new Left and it is now our role to question authority. The Left, whose takeover of the establishment began
officially in 1789 and was complete in 1945, now sides
with Big government, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big everything. Although its bulk is made of plebs, its mouthpieces ape the aristocratic attitudes
of barons, dukes and the very people the Left sought to
exterminate a couple of centuries ago. We see that behavior in the macrons, the buttigiegs, MSM journos and the twitterati who tell the people they doxxed to ‘learn how to code’. Buy a Tesla, to fight climate change, peasant…

But why are the common people (read: useful idiots and footsoldiers) of the faux Right still siding with the same force that is bound to crush them and replace them with automated systems as it poisons them with genome-altering juice? The answer is Convenience. Convenience through powerful marketing. Tell the common idiot you are protecting their health, making their work easier, their transactions faster and their life overall more practical, and you win them over. Why does Big Pharma seek to kill me, they bleat. Wont they run out of clients if we’re all dead? Their brain wont go past the attractive sales pitch nor critically peel away its layers of deception. The convenience is too strong. Just flash that juice passport and hop on a plane, watch a concert, enter a restaurant, be free.

excerpt from Sepultura’s “Dead Embryonic Cells” lyrics – 1991

The sense of self-importance is irresistible.
Let’s evolve, yes! Towards an easier life, with UBI (paid in energy tokens so say goodbye to your money, babe), justice, equality, no poverty, no wars, no crime (what, citizen, are you against a zero-crime society??) and no more sickness (how can you be against a zero-sickness society you ugly nahtsee??). Owning nothing and smiling stupidly as you graze in Schwab’s green pastures. What’s not to like in here? Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ is becoming reality.

Become a trackable dot on ungoliant’s blockchain. So exciting!

This is a war between the proponents of material convenience against those who perceive the attack on the soul of the world and the dehumanizing demonic force behind it. Quantity versus Quality. Flesh people against spirit people. zombie cons00mers against real humans. They’ll spam us and probably smother us with sheer numbers. Many of them are family members and friends, except they’re not. They’re dead inside. They made their choices in a mix of fear, peer pressure and for the love of convenience. We were ridiculed, called nahtsees and tinfoil crazies, low IQ bipeds, but we resisted. Our friends and relatives talked to us with a mix of pity and condescension, empathizing with our low IQ condition, sighing internally, praying for us to do the right thing, you know, for the common good… Their condescension is forgiven, out of respect for the dead.

this 1992 classic accurately predicted humanity 2.0

Published by baalhadad

From Canaan, Lebanon. Traditionalist, father, tutor and appreciator of Art, philosophy, and nature. Beauty is objective. I'm not here to lecture you. My opinions are mine from experience. Choose your own path, question what you've learned, make your own opinions and face the consequences of your decisions. My first book entitled 'Traditionalist' was published in 2020 and is available on Amazon. Get it while you still can (:

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